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Truck Liftgate Solutions for Seamless Loading and Unloading.

Trusted industry leader producing high-quality, durable truck liftgates, ensuring efficient cargo handling and safe, reliable solutions for transportation needs.

Who Are We?

A Team of Full-Service Reliable Liftgate Professionals For Any Vehicle.

Welcome to SGTAILGATES, your trusted partner in cargo handling solutions. We are a leading manufacturer of top-quality truck liftgates, committed to enhancing the efficiency, safety, and convenience of loading and unloading operations in the transportation and logistics industry.

How Can We Help You?


Compact and versatile cargo handling solutions designed to maximize space efficiency, perfect for tight loading and unloading spaces.

Have An Emergency?

We’re here to assist. Reach out to us for any inquiries or assistance regarding our products and services.

What Our Customers Say About Us

The liftgates from SGTAILGATES have transformed our loading process. They're reliable, sturdy, and have made our logistics more efficient.
Martin Foster
As a small business owner, I needed a liftgate that's compact yet powerful. SGTAILGATES delivered just that, making my deliveries a breeze.
Bryan Cirius
We've been using SGTAILGATES liftgates for years. They've proven to be workhorses, with excellent support and minimal downtime. Highly recommended!
Jane Dowser

Our Work

Our Blog

The Backbone of Efficient Cargo Handling: Truck Tailgates

The Backbone of Efficient Cargo Handling:…

Introduction In the world of logistics and transportation,…

Truck Tailgates: Beyond the Basics

Truck Tailgates: Beyond the Basics

Introduction Truck tailgates are a familiar sight on…

A Guide to Understanding Truck Liftgates: Types, Benefits, and Applications

A Guide to Understanding Truck Liftgates:…

Introduction Truck liftgates are a crucial component in…